Bogey Holes, Bird Attacks and Surveillance Towers

I’ve been taking a leadership seminar off-campus for the last few months. The program meets in the conference rooms of a prestigious hotel called Noah’s On The Beach, which offers an amazing view of the surf just outside the windows. It’s a bit mean-spirited to spend the day cooped up inside with the beach just feet away, so I asked Bryan to meet me after the last session for a walk down the coastline.

I’d taken this route earlier with a co-worker and she pointed out a local attraction nearby that we had yet to see. The Bogey Hole is a nearly two hundred year old pool carved out of the rock by convicts for Major James Morriset (you can check out the fascinating history here) . It’s one of the big tourist attractions for the city, but since this was during the middle of the week (and in 22C winter weather – Brrrr) there was no one else around.

Unfortunately a bird decided to ruin the fun after we checked it out, which cut short our walk a bit. We ended up climbing Shepherds hill above to check out the Missile Surveillance site. It’s a popular wedding site now, but looks like an old jail (strange allusion). Anywhoo, check out the pics and if you want to go on a virtual tour, click here

Long Weekend: Merewether Beach

As you may remember from the last post, Australia celebrates the Queen’s birthday as a national holiday in early June. On the Saturday we ventured to Blackbutt Reserve. On Sunday we decided to take a long walk to Merewether Beach which, according to Newcastle City Council, is one of the city’s most famous beaches.

This area of the city is currently in the midst of a coastal revitalization project. Merewether is part of a 2010 public domain plan designed to protect the beach, improve the area and make it more pedestrian friendly.

Perhaps because we’re so close to “winter”, the waves were absolutely ginormous. This – combined with warm weather – meant that there were lots of people out surfing and enjoying the boardwalk (Bryan and I nearly got run off the sidewalk more than a few times by spandex-clad speed-walking moms).

Take a look:

In truth it was not our original intention to walk all the way to Merewether (it’s approximately 45 minutes away on foot). We were actually on a mission: looking for tennis courts. Unfortunately all of the courts that we’ve found have been shockingly expensive ($14 an hour?!), which is a difficult price to swallow. Perhaps the free (though admittedly poorly maintained) courts back in Ottawa have spoilt us?

The tennis court search was part of a desire to discover new areas of town, and eventually led us to a steep hill near Cathedral Park, a heritage site containing the city’s first burial ground. We didn’t go in (perhaps another time), but we did discover some other fun stuff.

Long Weekend: Blackbutt Reserve

This weekend is a long weekend in Australia thanks to the Queen’s birthday (June 10). To celebrate the extra day off, one of my co-workers, Tammy, offered to take us to Blackbutt reserve to see some “local” wildlife.

The reserve is a zoo located within the city limits. It’s free to the public, which is kind of shocking for Australia.

Here are some pictures of the day, which despite an early rain turned out to be quite enjoyable!